Used Tandem Bikes for Sale
Tandem Bikes for Sale or Wanted-to-Buy
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BIKE: Terratrike Tandem Recumbent Pro Sparkle Copper
PRICE: $4,500
LOCATION: Appleton, WI
DATE POSTED: 01/27/2025
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Terratrike tandem recumbent pro sparkle copper. Tandem shows as new with less than 100 total miles and an upgraded coupling kit ($2k) option.
Click photo above to enlarge & scroll through more images.
BIKE: Co-Motion Cappuccino AND Cannondale RT1000
PRICE: $3,500 (total for 2 bikes)
LOCATION: Naperville, IL
DATE POSTED: 12/04/2024
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This is a 2-tandem deal. The first is a Co-Motion Cappuccino and the 2nd is Cannondale RT1000. Both bikes are PERFECT. The paint on the Co-Motion will ensure you have the best-looking tandem on the ride.
I never expected to sell these bikes, but I lost my co-captain of 50 years and it hurts to see the bikes hanging in the garage.
As an added bonus, I’ll include a Yakima roof rack that will hold 4 singles plus a tandem mount. When you see these machines you’ll realize the deal you’re getting.
I’d prefer to sell both bikes together, and the total for both is $3,500. If I have to separate them, I’d sell the Co-Motion for $3,000 and the Cannondale for $1,000.
Call 630-430-5104
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BIKE: Trek T2000
PRICE: $1,500
LOCATION: Rhinelander, WI
DATE POSTED: 8/12/2024
More Details & Contact Info
Trek T2000 — $1,500.
- Sizing info — 30″ over the captain top tube and 28″ over the stoker.
- Intercom headsets are in the back bag, just need batteries.
Call 715-277-6016 or 715-360-5035
Note: seller could assist with delivery