Classified Ad Placement

Looking to sell or buy a used tandem?

We’ve recently added a Classifieds page to the COWs website for the posting of tandems for sale. Current COWs club members can post an ad for free, and Non-members can post an ad for $25. Ads will remain online for up to 6 months (or until sold, whichever comes sooner).

DISCLAIMER: Couples of Wheels cannot guarantee and is not responsible for the accuracy of any ads placed on this website. Couples on Wheels is not involved in any classified transactions, and Buyers & sellers will interact directly with one another (please do not contact Couples On Wheels with any questions related to specific ads placed by sellers on this website). Buyers & sellers should be mindful that internet transactions — long distance, or in person, have certain risks. Buyers & Sellers are both at risk for theft by fraud and face-to-face meetings may also present risks of theft & personal safety.

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