2019 Spring Rally Recap

The 2019 Spring Rally was held May 17 – 19 in Lake Geneva. There were 54 Teams that rode the great routes that highlighted the beauty of the area. Many thanks to the hosts Jackie and Dick Homan and Susan Pribyl and Grant Benjamin for the routes, the museum tour, and the very fun banquet entertainment.

During the Annual Meeting and banquet on Saturday night we honored John and Joan Laabs for their many years as Presidents of COWs. The club presented them with a wooden plaque that had a cute picture of 2 cows on a tandem and Kevin Hillegas presented them with a metal tandem bike sculpture that he made.


We also held our annual elections and here are the new COWs officers:

  • Presidents: Beth & Pat Peterson
  • Treasurers: Liz & Dan Braun
  • Secretaries: Sandy & Steve Mitton
  • Information & Technology Advisors: Shane Fell & Andrea Del Balso Fell

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